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* Cheerful, Creative, Timeless *

Natalie Kent

I was born and raised in Virginia, have a love for nature and the arts. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have three daughters with growing families. I have an Associates Degree in Studio Arts with a concentration in photography.

A Christmas Proposal | Oak Grove Lake Park, Chesapeake, VA

The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day for an engagement! Today, I had the honor to witness and document Bobby’s propose to his sweetheart, Josianna, at Oak Grove Lake Park in Chesapeake, Virginia! Her gorgeous, aquamarine ring is the perfect Christmas present! Congratulations you two!

Gaby Edwards | Senior Session – Nansemond River High School

Meet Gaby Edwards, a 2022 Nansemond River High School senior. It was my pleasure to meet Gaby and her mother on her senior session. She plays field hockey and is natural model. I loved hanging out with them on this fun-filled session. Congrats, Gaby, and best of wishes in your future endeavors.

Greg + Kimberly | Fort Boykins – Smithfield, VA Proposal

What a beautiful September day for a beach proposal! This couple lives in Kentucky but made Smithfield a stop on their way to visit the east coast. Once Greg decided on Fort Boykins beach as the proposal site, he quickly began to locate a photographer to document the moment. I was fortunate to receive that call and immediately agreed! This was the same location one of our daughter’s proposal so.. Read More